Стоматологии по метро:
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Детская стоматологическая поликлиника № 63

  • Молодежная
  • Кунцевская
Молодогвардейская улица, 43/17
  • Время работы:вс-вт: выходной
    ср-пт: 08:00 - 20:00
    сб: выходной
  • Телефоны:+7 (495) 417-86-55
    +7 (495) 417-74-59
    +7 (965) 390-08-82
    +7 (965) 390-08-84
  • Услуги клиники:
    • Хирургия
    • Эндодонтия
    • Имплантация зубов
    • Диагностика
    • Рентгенография
    • Ортодонтия
    • Протезирование
    • Терапия
    • Пломбирование
    • Удаление зубов
    • Эстетическая стоматология
    • Отбеливание
    • Лечение кариеса
    • Брекеты
    • Гигиена
    • Коронки
    • Пародонтология
    • Лечение каналов
  • Веб сайт:http://dsp63-mos.ru/
  • Возможна оплата картой

Лучшие врачи поблизости

Фото Диенер Наталья Владимировна
  • Стоимость приема:

    1450 руб.

    Спец. цена от сайта BestStom: 950 руб.

  • Стаж:31 год
Фото Костоева Дана Руслановна
  • Стоимость приема:

    3500 руб.

    Спец. цена от сайта BestStom: 3000 руб.

  • Стаж:21 год
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Семейный Фестиваль Досуга


Приглашаем на двухдневный "Семейный Фестиваль Досуга" на двух площадках (с 12.00 до 20.00):
29 октября - в Доме Эйлера (ул. Уральская д.1Ю)
30 октября - в Ресурсном центре "Штаб-квартира" (ул. Марата 31)

Что будет?
- Много общения и знакомств,
- мастер-классы для детей,
- семинары для родителей,
- много активностей для детей и взрослых,
- игры, конкурсы, викторины, песни, танцы
- увлекательные задания на силу, ловкость, смелость, интеллект, а еще, как в сказке - сделать то, не знаю что
- ремесленные мастерские, кулинарные мастер-классы, конкурс рисунков, конкурс танцев, рисование,досуг, шахматы и многое другое.

Вход на фестиваль свободный, регистрация обязательна ссылка vk.cc/cfqIvG

Детей ждут подарки и море впечатлений!
Приходите всей семьёй, будет интересно и познавательно! 0+

Программа фестиваля по ссылке https://vk.com/festdosuga

С уважением, организаторы ПСК


Looking for organic SERP boost or safe and quick indexing? Our social signals services will help you with that!

By using Social Signals you can have your newly added content (blog posts, videos, music, product and etc) indexed faster and organically on Search Engines.

Social Signals will help you get organic and real traffic from Social Networks. Our Social Signals will get you traffic from the Social Networks where your link was posted.

>>>>>>>>> https://www.google.com/url?q=https%;3A%2F%2Fvk.cc%2Fc0Ua5y&sa=D&Au=Nf&usg=AFQjCNFskIqYP-nRbx5vyzvMu9IGs14UKA <<<<<<<<<

This service was firstly and originally created for our own use and promotion, but once we have grown, we decided to provide it for other users on the web, since there are no alternatives.

Originally we created these pages for promotion in Tier 1 and English Speaking countries, but over the years we have gotten a valuable amount of audience from the EU.

>>>>>>>>> https://www.google.com/url?q=https%;3A%2F%2Fvk.cc%2Fc0Ua5y&sa=D&Gu=Vh&usg=AFQjCNFskIqYP-nRbx5vyzvMu9IGs14UKA <<<<<<<<<


Looking for organic SERP boost or safe and quick indexing? Our social signals services will help you with that!

By using Social Signals you can have your newly added content (blog posts, videos, music, product and etc) indexed faster and organically on Search Engines.

Social Signals will help you get organic and real traffic from Social Networks. Our Social Signals will get you traffic from the Social Networks where your link was posted.

>>>>>>>>> https://www.google.com/url?q=https%;3A%2F%2Fvk.cc%2Fc0Ua5y&sa=D&Au=Nf&usg=AFQjCNFskIqYP-nRbx5vyzvMu9IGs14UKA <<<<<<<<<

This service was firstly and originally created for our own use and promotion, but once we have grown, we decided to provide it for other users on the web, since there are no alternatives.

Originally we created these pages for promotion in Tier 1 and English Speaking countries, but over the years we have gotten a valuable amount of audience from the EU.

>>>>>>>>> https://www.google.com/url?q=https%;3A%2F%2Fvk.cc%2Fc0Ua5y&sa=D&Gu=Vh&usg=AFQjCNFskIqYP-nRbx5vyzvMu9IGs14UKA <<<<<<<<<


I am engaged in soap spam, but about a couple of weeks ago I ran into an unpleasant problem - the income from mailings quite strong sagged. Earlier, on average, it was possible to get $ 300-500 from mailing to mail base of 100,000 mails, after the base burned out only 100-150. I asked around by chats - it turned out
that the quality of email databases is very important, that is, it is necessary to periodically validate (clean) the database of sweat boxes from garbage. I started looking for a solution, but in the market for validator services, there are simply terribly high price tags. To check one base for me - $ 2,500, and of course I have more than one. And, oddly enough, it was in Telegram that I discovered an interesting bot! - I want to show - for many it will become revelation (It was once private) A BOT validator for email databases, from the price i was chocked, 10-20 cheaper than the average service on the market for validating email databases.
checking speed is very fast!

& gt;>>>>>>> ;>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>>> ;>>>>> https://vk.cc/bZVcfC...alidator-email-bases & lt;<<<<<<< ;<<<<<<<& lt;<<<<<<< ;<<<<<<<& lt;<<


I am engaged in soap spam, but about a couple of weeks ago I ran into an unpleasant problem - the income from mailings quite strong sagged. Earlier, on average, it was possible to get $ 300-500 from mailing to mail base of 100,000 mails, after the base burned out only 100-150. I asked around by chats - it turned out
that the quality of email databases is very important, that is, it is necessary to periodically validate (clean) the database of sweat boxes from garbage. I started looking for a solution, but in the market for validator services, there are simply terribly high price tags. To check one base for me - $ 2,500, and of course I have more than one. And, oddly enough, it was in Telegram that I discovered an interesting bot! - I want to show - for many it will become revelation (It was once private) A BOT validator for email databases, from the price i was chocked, 10-20 cheaper than the average service on the market for validating email databases.
checking speed is very fast!

& gt;>>>>>>> ;>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>>> ;>>>>> https://vk.cc/bZVcfC...alidator-email-bases & lt;<<<<<<< ;<<<<<<<& lt;<<<<<<< ;<<<<<<<& lt;<<